Monday, August 22, 2011

Training concerns

As promised here are some training concerns you need to look into in conducting a training.


1. Topic/Subject matter
- The subject matter or topic of a training can be answer to a need.
- It could also be a resource/program of the agency

2. Training Design
- Crafted from the subject matter
- Contains title of the training, training objectives, participants,
duration of training, training schedule/program, resource persons,
required materials/supplies, budget, training methodologies.
- Training objectives
* is/are basic elements of a training design.
* will determine the duration of the training, type of methodologies,
venue and mode of evaluation.
* it should be formulated using SMART.

3. Budget Proposal
- Contains the financial requirements of the training to include billeting,
food, honorarium, supplies, travel allowances and etc.
- The budget proposal should be approved by the head of the agency at least
two weeks prior to the training schedule.

4. Schedule/date of training
- Based on the availability of resource persons/participants

5. Invitation letters
- Once the budget is approved and the schedule set, invitation letters
should be sent out to the resource person and target participants at least
a week prior to the date of training.
- Follow up a day or two prior to the training date.

6. Billeting/accommodation
- Based on training objective and approved budget

7. Food preparations
- Suited to the participants.

8. Resource person
- Dependent on the topic
- Should be invited a week before the training date

9. Documents preparation
- Training kit
- Attendance sheets
- Participants profile
- Evaluation sheet
- Reimbursement forms/vouchers
- Certificates/tokens

10. Logistics support
- Transportation
- Supplies
- Budget processing
- Visual aids

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